
Courrier Cover

Cover for Jacomo Perfumes, in Jornal Courrier.

Jacomo Perfumes

Double page press ad, in Revista Perfumes e Companhia.


Freelance Design - Logos

Logo for Dr. Isabel Almasqué (Ophthalmologist):

Logo for Arte&Gel (Candle making Company):

Logo for Scientists in the World (Non-profit Scientific Association):

Clix Logo Animation Campaign

Clix challenged 4th year IADE Advertising students, to create a campaign aimed at IADE Design students.

The Design Contest was primarily supposed to work as a platform for recognition, for the winning Design students.

The team who created the winning Advertising Campaign, were given the opportunity to directly access an interview with DDB´s Creative Director, possibly enter DDB and eventually attend DDB´s Summer Camp (a 3 month stage).

My team won the Advertising Challenge, and was given the opportunity to start staging in July 2006, at DDB Lisbon.

Billboards "before and after" the bomb exploded.


DGV Christmas Cards

Front cover of DGV's Christmas cards.

Inside of Thank You Note.


Outdoor, and cover, for M.I.L. - Mostra Internacional de Literatura.
Chosen to be displayed at IADE's M.I.L.'s expo.


The main problem Valorsul asked to be solved, when creating this campaign, was: make people recycle properly, especially with regards to the yellow container.
Because of these prerequisites, the whole concept of the campaign was based on hitting the «bulls-eye» of the relevant recycling objective, mainly by making people see that, after all, it´s not so hard to get it right.
The billboards were also conceived to work as reminders of what goes where.

Teaser billboards.


Fridge magnet.

Campaign billboards.

Press in Destak.