
KLM's Europe Promotional Ad

KLM'S November Europe Promotional Ad for Público:

KLM - GEOTUR Campaign

KLM and GEOTUR's November Focus on Europe Campaign.

Press Ad:Layout out in Público:



AIR FRANCE KLM and TOP ATLÂNTICO's November Focus on North America and Asia Campaign.

AIR FRANCE - TOP ATLÂNTICO's Ads in Jornal de Notícias & Window Store's Posters:

KLM - TOP ATLÂNTICO's Ads in Jornal de Notícias & Window Store's Posters:


AF KL - ABREU Campaign | 03NOV-15NOV

AIR FRANCE KLM and ABREU's November Focus on North America and Asia Campaign.

Abreu's AFKL Homepage Banners:

Abreu's Newsletter AFKL Banner insertion:

Abreu's Special AFKL Newsletter + Banner insertion:
AIR FRANCE - ABREU's Ads in Correio da Manhã & Window Store's Posters:

KLM - ABREU's Ad in Correio da Manhã & Window Store's Posters:

BCD Travel "In Motion"

VoyageurREWARDS (AIR FRANCE) and BlueBiz (KLM) focus on November's BCD Travel "In Motion" Site and Newsletter:

BCD Travel In Motion Homepage:
Internal link for the AIR FRANCE KLM "VoyageurREWARDS & BlueBiz" Competition:
VoyageurREWARDS & BlueBiz Banners:


AIR FRANCE KLM Público Front-page Footer Ads

Example of AIR FRANCE footer ads:

Example of KLM footer ads:


AIR FRANCE KLM Flyers for Agents

Example of Air France Flyers for Agents:

Example of KLM Flyers for Agents:

Example of AIR FRANCE KLM Flyers for Agents:


SiW - Scientists in the World's Newsletter

SiW - Scientists in the World / Associação Cientistas no Mundo's Newsletter.

SiW - Scientists in the World's Website

SiW - Scientists in the World / Associação Cientistas no Mundo's Website.



EcoAroma - Website Content

Content development for EcoAroma’s website - a company specialized in Olfactive Marketing, a new step in sensory marketing.



Isabel Reis' Website


Content development for Isabel Reis’ website - Astrologer and Tarologist.


Gelpeixe - Site Renovation

Gelpeixe Site renovation - Brand for frozen foods.
Currently under construction.


Actonel - Osteoporosis Summit

Proposal for Actonel's Osteoporosis Summit (according to the requirement of it being based on a Flintstone Theme).

Top, and bottom, for the Actonel's gift box:

Cover for Actonel's Summit Folder:

Breast Cancer Awareness - HER2

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Proposal, with emphasis on the HER2 type - the deadliest of breast cancers.

Press Ad:
O Poder Rosa é uma afirmação.
Um grito de ânimo, energia e entusiasmo.
É a força de vontade que ajuda a vencer as vicissitudes da vida.
O espírito de luta que é intrínseco à mulher.

O Poder Rosa é uma declaração de sobrevivência.
Para quem previne, combate ou venceu o Cancro da Mama.
Porque ser mulher é ser forte,
sem nunca ter de perder a feminilidade.